Healing in Unbelief 2/2

Healing in Unbelief | Powerful Testimony

Ten years of chronic, debilitating back pain leaves Camille in unbelief that it’s God’s will to heal her. God challenges her understanding through a “chance encounter” with an unlikely character.

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Healing in Unbelief 1/2

Healing in Unbelief | Supernatural Testimony

An obedient messenger of the Lord, Lee finds himself facing the greater challenge of unbelief than the hope and possibility of healing when he meets Camille.

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Precious Pain

Precious Pain | Supernatural Testimony

Paralyzed by the pain of arthritis, forced to rest and unable to care for her family Sayo hears clearly from the Lord. Her illness becomes precious.

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Whoa, God is Here!

John begins each day with expectancy of what the Holy Spirit will do. Lead by the Spirit, he gets to share in some incredible supernatural experiences with God and His children.

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A Really Big Yes

A Really Big Yes | Supernatural Testimony

A few high school students say yes to God, and a culture shift happens at the school. Students are changed, revival breaks out and the Kingdom advances.

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Daily Desperate Dependence

Daily Desperate Dependence | Supernatural Testimony

When life’s challenges become too great, Joe discovers the only thing that will get him through is a daily desperate dependence on the Lord. I began connecting with the Holy Spirit, but I didn’t really know that that’s what I was doing, but I began to have a sensitive spirit.

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