Exposing Fear

During his bout with Covid and extreme fatigue, God exposed fear in David’s life as the root for putting his beautiful children above the Lord.

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In Need of a Father

After years of neglect and abuse, Mary Beth’s father walked out and she found herself in need a of Father that would never leave her nor forsake her.

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Lost and Found

Growing up, Adira struggled to fit in amongst her peers and found acceptance in the LGBTQ community. Then God moved and what was lost became found as her identity was restored.

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God’s Favor

Through incredibly difficult circumstances, Sharon has learned that God’s favor doesn’t mean happiness and the life of her dreams. It’s actually better than that.

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Life is a Gift

A tragic accident changes all of Matthew’s plans for the future. God shows him that life is a precious gift, both here and in eternity.

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Leaving his ways and plans behind, Bob chose to surrender everything to the Lord. In doing so, he found true freedom.

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