God speaks.
we tell his stories.

Building faith in God’s power through our stories.

*Listen to Alexi’s story about mental heath and healing

What’s Your Story? 

Now more than ever, our mission is clear: to encourage faith in the power of God. And we invite you to be part of it!

The Bible tells us that we are God’s poiema—a word that gives us our English term poem. Think about that for a moment… The Creator of the universe has written a masterpiece, and your life is its expression!

Our stories are one of the most powerful resources we have. Revelation 12:11 reminds us that our testimonies carry the power to overcome darkness and bring life-changing hope. These God-stories answer life’s deepest questions, offering Holy Spirit-led wisdom and encouragement.

God is writing an incredible story in and through you. Are you ready to share it?

If you’d like to tell your story, simply enter your info and a brief description in the contact form. We’ll be in touch soon!

We have become his poetry, a re-created people that will fulfill the destiny he has given each of us...

- Eph 2:10 TPT

A Free downloadable PDF that has scripture detailing the identity of those who are created in God's image and desire to follow Christ.

Need Help Uncovering Your Unseen Story? 

We want to send you an amazing resource that will help you remember the defining God moments where He has spoken into your life. 

I thought it good to declare of your signs and wonders that you did for me.

- Daniel 4:2 NKJV

Stories to Get Your Hopes UP!

*Listen to Aiva’s story about the power of worship to combat life’s toughest circumstances.
*Listen to Jeffie’s story about the power faith as she parents 2 special needs boys.
*Listen to Kyle’s story about a word from God and miraculous provision.