Reconciling Race

Reconciling Race | Supernatural Testimony

A purposeful engagement and wedding become the catalyst to reconciling race through the union of marriage and the grace of God.

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Precious Pain

Precious Pain | Supernatural Testimony

Paralyzed by the pain of arthritis, forced to rest and unable to care for her family Sayo hears clearly from the Lord. Her illness becomes precious.

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Whoa, God is Here!

John begins each day with expectancy of what the Holy Spirit will do. Lead by the Spirit, he gets to share in some incredible supernatural experiences with God and His children.

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A Really Big Yes

A Really Big Yes | Supernatural Testimony

A few high school students say yes to God, and a culture shift happens at the school. Students are changed, revival breaks out and the Kingdom advances.

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Resource Room of Heaven

Resource Room of Heaven | Supernatural Testimony

Financial plans crumble, car totalled, Clint feels he is being punished by God. He has an encounter with Jesus and learns about the resource room of heaven.

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Courageously Weird

Courageously Weird | Powerful Testimony

Stepping out on a limb for God but not wanting to be seen as weird, Molly pushes through her own fears to be courageous in the Lord. These are the stories— these are the ones that encourage me the most

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Father to the Fatherless

Zach Father to the Fatherless | Supernatural Testimony

Growing up without a father left a void in Zach’s life. He looked for life and acceptance in everything but God. Now he’s partnering with God to make a difference in the lives of the fatherless in his community.

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Dance with Me

Dance with Jesus | Supernatural Testimony

Being single and having a deep desire to marry leads Meredith to an intimate, raw encounter with Jesus, when she hears Him say, “Dance with Me.”

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