Citizen of Heaven

Displaced by war, now a refugee, and questioning his place because of the color of his skin. God shows Yves his true identity as a citizen of heaven.

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A Better Me

Transformed by the love of Jesus, Sara becomes a better version of herself as she spends time with Him and stops working for approval.

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Setting Captives Free

Once a slave to addiction and pornography, Anthony is now setting captives free through his non-profit and restoring their God-given identity and value.

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The Process of Becoming Free

As Cody sings and worships the Lord, he has a revelation that leads to breakthrough in his anxiety. He walks us through those emotions and steps, as he surrenders control to God.

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Freed from Anxiety

Afraid to go anywhere by herself, Tiffany was gripped by fear, worry, and anxiety. For years she prayed for freedom and found healing when she least expected it.

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