Light in the Darkness

Light in the Darkness | Supernatural Testimony

Suicidal and diagnosed with over eight mental illnesses, in and out of over 20 different psych wards, on 10 psych meds, Alexis is instantly healed.

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Raise My Son

Raise My Son | Supernatural Testimony

Her son was dead for 21 minutes and brain dead for 2 days. In a sea of doctors, Angelic cries out to God and prays over her son through the power of the Holy Spirit, “Raise my son!” What happens next is a miracle.

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Your Life Is Not Your Own

Your Life is not Your Own | Powerful Testimony

Rosie has attempted suicide twice since losing her son and is planning a third attempt the very day that she meets Tyler and Andy who share that her life is not her own and God has a plan for her.

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Knit Together

Knit Together | Powerful Testimony

Ultrasounds revealed and confirmed, in utero, that Ashley’s son August had polycystic kidney disease in both kidneys. After months of prayer, God knit together a miracle for family and doctors to witness.

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Going All In

Going All In | Supernatural Testimony

Unable to go under water due to his tracheotomy, Landon gets completely healed and is going all in for the first time at his baptism.

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Hal-Le-Lu-Jah | Supernatural Testimony

Born with severe sleep apnea, 21 month old Landon receives a tracheotomy and doctors say he will never talk. His parents pray for complete healing and receive a miracle with one word, Hallelujah.

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Give Jesus a Try

Give Jesus a Try | Supernatural Testimony

Holiday YouTube scrolling is used by the Holy Spirit to entice Machelle to give Jesus a try instead of numbing out and her identity is transformed.

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