Moved with Compassion

A young boy is shot in the head and on life support. Moved with compassion Justin pushes past his fears and enters the NICU to lay hands and pray for him.

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God is After You

Joseph needed more than religious do’s and don’ts to comfort his broken heart. A new friend told him “God is after you!”, which led to him hearing from God and his healing.

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Prompted by Holy Spirit

Prompted by Holy Spirit | The Unseen Story

Kyle is prompted by the Holy Spirit to “bless the feet”. Later that morning, his feet are blessed so that all ministry expenses can be paid in full. He also details an encounter of sharing the gospel after being prompted to visit McDonald’s for breakfast.

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Don’t Give Up. Rise Up.

On a mission trip in Nigeria, Ayelen contracts Ebola. Upon returning to Argentina, she is hopitalized and left for dead. As she cries out to the Lord for help she hears the Lord say, “Don’t give up. Rise up.” On the fourth day, she is healed and released.

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The Gift of Trust

Gift of Trust | Supernatural Testimonies

Faced with infertility, Rod and his wife choose to trust God and His plans for them through the gift of adopting a child with Cerebral Palsy. God has supernaturally revealed himself through the process of adoption and the unconditional love of his son.

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Spiritual Roots

Spiritual Roots | Supernatural Testimony

After years of unexplained medical issues, Renee hears that her symptoms have spiritual roots. At the end of her rope, she considers the supernatural. Renee’s faith is challenged and deepened in the midst of her search for healing.

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The Forgiveness of a Murderer

Forgiveness of a Murder | Powerful Testimonies

Ryan is able to forgive his brother’s murderer and offer him the same redemption and hope he has found in Christ. I was a son who needed to be redeemed and rescued. That reality changed my life.

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