Your Life Is Not Your Own

Your Life is not Your Own | Powerful Testimony

Rosie has attempted suicide twice since losing her son and is planning a third attempt the very day that she meets Tyler and Andy who share that her life is not her own and God has a plan for her.

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When Heaven and Earth Collide

When Heaven and Earth Collide | Powerful Testimony

An instrument maker by trade, Caleb receives a digital download of an instrument he has never seen and a tribe name in a dream. This dream ignites a journey where heaven and earth collide to bring an unknown tribe of 70,000 people the bible.

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I Give You My Life

I Give You My Life | Supernatural Testimony

Fourteen years old Chethan plans his suicide. He cries out to God, “I give you my life” and is overwhelmed by the presence and power of the Lord.

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Give Jesus a Try

Give Jesus a Try | Supernatural Testimony

Holiday YouTube scrolling is used by the Holy Spirit to entice Machelle to give Jesus a try instead of numbing out and her identity is transformed.

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Heart for the Homeless

Heart for the Homeless | Powerful Testimony

Circumstances in her own life gives Karen a deep understanding and heart for the homeless that leads serving in South Dallas faithfully for over 23 years.

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Co-Laboring In Love

Co-Laboring in Love | Supernatural Testimony

A shared love for hair and Jesus finds two stylists co-laboring to bring the beauty and hope of the gospel to their downtown salon. The safest place is in His will. And, the revealed will of God is being thankful and praying always, but He has a specific will for everyone and it comes out of intimacy.

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Reclaiming the Past

Reclaiming the Past| Supernatural Testimony

Unable to trust God after the loss of his sister, EJ looks for answers and is able to reclaim the past when he has multiple encounters with Jesus.

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The Risk of Faith

The Risk of Faith | Powerful Testimony

Looking for opportunities to celebrate God, Daniel goes out expecting God to show up in a moment and his faith is increased with every risk he takes.

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