Letting Go

Striving for years, Darin never dreamt that letting go of his ministry plans would be God’s plan for desire fulfilled and a life of joy.

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The Life God Intended

He had everything the world could offer, but it wasn’t the life God intended for Michael. God had a better plan, one that Michael had to hit rock bottom to find.

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Love Your Neighbor

Born at 28 weeks and later diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy, Maddie wasn’t expected to live. Rejected by her mother, it was the love of her neighbors that changed her life.

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Never Alone

Picked on for being different; confused and lonely, but never alone. Justin has always felt God’s presence, The One who never gave up on him.

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Citizen of Heaven

Displaced by war, now a refugee, and questioning his place because of the color of his skin. God shows Yves his true identity as a citizen of heaven.

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A Better Me

Transformed by the love of Jesus, Sara becomes a better version of herself as she spends time with Him and stops working for approval.

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