From New Age to New Creation
(Please listen to Michelle’s story by clicking the white play button at the top of this post. You can read the transcript of the story below.)
My name is Michelle, I found Jesus through my spiritual journey through the New Age. It’s so weird when you look back at yourself before Jesus, for me, at least personally, it’s like, it really is a different person. It’s like telling somebody else’s story, that person really did die and I really was born again. One of the main beliefs of the New Age religion is that you yourself are a God, and that you can create your own reality. There is no good or bad, which is such a lie, there is! There’s bad and there’s sin and that’s why we need a Redeemer. It’s like, you know, everything’s just an experience because you’re going to reincarnate and your soul–you’re just looking for soul growth and you just have another chance if you die. There is no heaven there is no Hell, it just is. So God is in everything. We’re all one. God is in you and in me and in nature and in the clouds. It’s really kind of like a make your own religion type thing. Like there’s sort of a broad thing, but then you can kind of take a little Hinduism, a little Buddhism, a little bit of this a little bit of that. They are so open to this coexisting thing that they do believe in Jesus as a person, they believe in Jesus as a teacher. So I did, you know, believe in Jesus as–they’d call it an Ascended Master. But the thing is, the disconnect for me at that time, was believing that Jesus is the Son of God and was the son of God. It was hard for me to wrap my head around the miracles. But He was getting into me, I think of it like a corral. He was corralling me like this way and that way and narrowing my path down to where it was going to be directly to Him.
So I met this guy at yoga, through yoga at the gym. And I was just like on a high; I just felt like finally my life was coming together. But during this time, we together dove deeper into the New Age and meditation and we went…We left the yoga at the gym because we wanted a deeper level of experience of yoga and started going to a yoga studio. It was way more spiritually led, more of like, really like a church. At the beginning of the year, they did a 40 day fast at this yoga studio. It was like, to be thankful for what you’re eating and kind of pray for it, but you had to go to yoga for 40 days in a row. They wanted you there every single day. It was during this time, during this 40 day fast at the yoga studio, I was drawn to this young woman. I just wanted to be friends with her and that was really strange of me. Not drawn to her in an attraction type way, just I wanted to be her friend. And it was Holy Spirit in her that I was drawn to. I was like, I need to get to know her. And it was funny because she was walking–she would walk into the bathroom and I was walking in and I would say stuff like, “I knew I was going to see you here today.” Which it turns out later, I found out that I have some prophetic gifting. But it was funny to me because she wasn’t weirded out by that at all. She was like, Oh, did you? Because God was speaking to her the whole time through this.
So we exchanged numbers, and we tried to get together for like, secular activities for lunch or whatever, and it never worked out. And she was like, “Well, if you’re open to it, why don’t you come to my church on Saturday night? She and a group of her friends had started a church, a Christian Church. And I was like, “Yeah, I’d be open to that. Like, I just want to get to hang out with you and I’m okay with going to church.” And it was a Spirit filled Christian church. When I went in, they were listening to Christian music, which I had never heard before. Everybody was like praising God and jumping up and down and just like dancing and I was like…My spirit was jumping inside of me. My flesh was like, What is going on? Why is everyone so excited? This is so weird. They really are into this. And so I thought, This is strange, but I kind of like it. And then they called people up for prayer and they prayed for people, which you never see. I’ve never seen that before, where somebody actually wasn’t just like, “Oh, I’ll pray for you.” You came up there and they touched you and asked you what you needed and they prayed for you. And so I was like, hooked after that. I was like, I just kept going back.
One of the times, my boyfriend at the time came with me, and it was very obvious immediately– he was not coming this direction with me. He was not into it. He had been hurt from the church growing up as a Baptist and he was not going to do it. We started fighting and he was the one who told me, “You know, you’re going to this Christian Church. Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God. For you to be a Christian, you can’t just believe in God, you have to accept Jesus.” And I was kind of just like, “Okay, well, I don’t really see why that’s important. I don’t really see why that matters.” As I kept going, I started being more open to that idea, because I started seeing miracles for myself.
During this time, I call it, “sick with sin;” they said I had an autoimmune disease, but they could never find anything that was wrong. I went to doctors, after doctors, after doctors, and they just, you know, they said, “Oh, well, you have inflammatory arthritis,” and I was in my early 20s. I was like, I can’t have arthritis, like that’s impossible. And then they were like, “Oh, you have carpal tunnel” or “you have fibromyalgia,” and they would just slap labels on it and wanted to put me on medication, which I was not into. But I was just physically ill all the time. And then every time I would get stressed out, I would get more sick and I would have chronic bronchitis or different issues. It’s horrible to be in pain. It’s horrible to be in pain and not have any answers and not have any way to feel any better.
There was this one particular night that I was just, I was sick again. I was so down and so depressed. Honestly, I just felt like I wanted to die because it was this cycle that would not end. And so I just kind of prayed one of those prayers that, you know, people pray to God, even people who don’t really believe in God in their times of desperation. I was just like, “Lord, please reveal to me what this illness is.” I guess, I didn’t know at the time that I could ask Him to heal the illness, right? I just thought He needs to reveal to me what it is so that I can take the necessary steps or do whatever I can to feel better because I want to die. I do not want to feel like this anymore. Like, I was just sick, literally all the time and in pain. So then I just said my little prayer and wiped my tears and I was like, okay…and then what do you do? You pull up Facebook and scroll social media. Then a suggested post popped up and it was like, “Mystery illness?” And I was like, Yeah, I mean, I do have a mystery. So weird. So I clicked on it and I just was bawling and weeping, because He really did reveal to me what it was–what I had.
The mystery illness is called Epstein Barr Virus. A lot of people in Western medicine, as far as I know, they, they don’t hear about it, or they don’t check for it or whatever. So I just read all this stuff, all my exact symptoms. And then at the bottom, there was a way to heal naturally through foods and supplements, which is what God’s given us on this earth, you know, different natural remedies. And so that’s what I did from then on out. I changed my diet, I changed my supplements…But for me, it was such a wow factor of like, I have been going to doctors and Western medicine for years, paying all this money to get tests done on my brain, tests done on carpal tunnel, EKGs on my heart; they tested everything and couldn’t find anything. I was even going to acupuncture, and doing all this yoga that I thought was supposed to make me feel better and finally, when the Lord pinpointed it and showed me what it was…it was like, I mean, He answered my prayer immediately. I prayed, opened Facebook, and then He gave me the answer through that. And so for me, that was like, a part of the solidifying of my walk, of like, okay, He’s real, and He’s listening, and He answers prayers. He cares about me, and He cares about me not feeling well and being sick and helping to heal me.
He’s real and He is listening and He’s listening to me. And not only that, but He cares about me personally.
Another really powerful part of the beginning, while I was going to that new church, I definitely was very codependent and that was one of my strongholds. The last stronghold to be broken off me, I feel like, was my dependency on relationships, dating relationships. So I was dating this new guy, after the other guy, and he said he was a Christian, and he said he was sober, and he wasn’t any of those things. I knew I had to break up with him because the Lord was telling me, like, just like, showing me, just revealing to me, this guy isn’t who he says he is. You need to leave this alone. And so this particular day at church, I was praying, and so I’m like, “Lord, what do You want me to do?” He spelled out, in my mind, “Break up!” I was like, “Wow, I’m gonna need some confirmation on that.” I was just feeling so defeated because really what was happening was that the guy was just stealing my energy and my attention away from my walk with the Lord. Then the pastor walks up to me, and he was like, “Michelle, I feel like the Lord just wants to encourage you. You really need to press into Him, because He has something special for you tonight.” I was thinking okay, and so I stood up and was just worshiping God and praying to God. I was like, Well, thank You for that encouragement.
Then at the end of the prayer meeting, they always would do sort of like a call up for prayer. They did sort of like a circle and they would say, “If anyone needs healing or if anyone needs prayer, step into the circle and everyone, the body, will pray for you.” I was so hungry and desperate for the Lord. I had so many issues–I really did–that I was like, always asking for prayer and always stepping in for prayer. And I started to feel kind of too needy. Like, I’m always the one that steps in. I always want prayer, which I think it’s good now, to be hungry for the Lord and to want His blessings. So I was like, “Lord, if they call a second time, I will go. Because He was telling me, “Go! Go in! Go get the prayer.” And I had had a pain in my neck, because I also had scoliosis which caused a lot of my pain–which the Lord also healed at a later point in my walk. But really, I think the pain in my neck was metaphorical for two reasons: One, it was this guy that I was dating was a pain in my neck. And two, my stiff neck pride was not allowing it. I didn’t want to break up with him. I didn’t want to step into the circle to get prayer. So I did; I stepped in, and this lady, she came and prayed for me.
It was my first kind of, sort of slain in the Spirit experience. I was resisting it and fighting it. And I sort of crumbled and fell to my knees. I was like, “Wow,” but I was resisting God. I finally gathered my courage and I stood up again. Then this lady comes and she goes–this was like my first experience with a word from the Lord–and she was like, “You’re having confusion about your relationship.” And I was just like, “Oh, oh my God.” I just started weeping and crying. She continued to pray over me and confirmed that I needed to leave that relationship. But as she prayed, I, I was so slain in the Spirit, that I not only fell down, I did a total 180. Like, was flown from facing her, to my back was facing her, and I fell forward onto the ground. I definitely was getting delivered of some things, and was like, hysterically crying and screaming and I just hear everybody around me praying in their spirit language and tongues. It was really the Spirit of God ministering to me as I’m laying on the floor in a puddle, weeping and being delivered. And it was uncomfortable. You know, if you’ve ever seen people slain in the Spirit, you’re kind of like, What is going on here? Why are they falling down? Like, I thought that maybe they’re just exaggerating a little bit. Maybe they’re, you know…maybe it’s an act of surrender that you do at will. I think that the Lord was like, I’ll show you My power. Ha ha. But I definitely, I definitely broke up with the guy after that. Ha ha. That was all the confirmation that I needed.
I wish that I could think of the you know–people have their salvation day written down. They know, I gave my life to the Lord on this day. But for me, it was really like I said, like a corralling process that happened, of narrowing it down. I think the ANSWERED PRAYER from God on what I was sick with, and then the word from the Lord through that lady, and being slain in the Spirit…It was like, no longer could God be the universe because God was personal now. Because the universe doesn’t answer specific prayers. The universe kind of just works in its own time. And so, for God to be speaking to me, answering my prayers, very specific prayers, I started realizing that God was a personal God.
So I guess the reason I didn’t believe in the Bible to begin with is because I didn’t believe in the miraculous. I couldn’t believe that a man could walk on water. I couldn’t believe that a virgin could give birth, that someone could turn water to wine, because my mind just couldn’t be wrapped around the fact that something like that could happen until the Lord came into my life, and I experienced many miraculous things for myself.
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Jordan grew up in the church experiencing the miraculous. He learned quickly to defend his faith from the bible and to trust God in the journey.
Created to Create
For Codye, painting is like breathing. Growing up there was a holy restlessness in all she saw, heard, and felt as she read God's word--Codye was created to create for His glory [...]
Partnering with God in Business
Taylor describes how God led him to start a Kingdom Business and gives examples of how Holy Spirit has empowered them to focus on Godly principles.
From New Age to New Creation
Seeking peace, Michelle begins a spiritual journey through the New Age movement. An answered prayer leads her to Jesus and life as a new creation.
Made Perfect
Left with two options, believe the doctors or believe the Lord, Krissia chooses the word of God, that He made her daughter perfect. Her faith in that promise changed everything.
A Mother’s Wound
Anita offers a simple honest prayer to God after years of pain as she begins the process of hope and restoration from the mother wounds that she experienced in her childhood and [...]
But I Am Innocent
Joe is convicted and sentenced to 6 months in a federal prison. Crying out to Him of his innocence Joe hears the Lord speak back, "so was I".
Jesus Came in Like a Boss
After years of addiction and lies, Jamie says that "Jesus came in like a Boss" and delivered her from all of it. Her life has been redeemed and restored.
Silencing the Inner Critic
Growing up Christian, David saw himself as a disappointment. God's audible voice silenced the inner critic that had tormented David most of his life.
Moved with Compassion
A young boy is shot in the head and on life support. Moved with compassion Justin pushes past his fears and enters the NICU to lay hands and pray for him.
God is After You
Joseph needed more than religious do's and don'ts to comfort his broken heart. A new friend told him "God is after you!", which led to him hearing from God and his healing.
Prompted by Holy Spirit
Kyle is prompted by the Holy Spirit to "bless the feet". Later that morning, his feet are blessed so that all ministry expenses can be paid in full. He also details an encounter of [...]
Don’t Give Up. Rise Up.
On a mission trip in Nigeria, Ayelen contracts Ebola. Upon returning to Argentina, she is hopitalized and left for dead. As she cries out to the Lord for help she hears the Lord [...]
Vehicle for the Gospel
Rapping and preaching the gospel all over the country turns out to be quite difficult when you don't have a vehicle. Moses prays and fasts for a month asking God for help. The Lord [...]
Awakening to God’s Love
God's reckless pursuit of Seth, despite his anger and drug use, comes to a head as his parents' deteriorating health leads Seth to his knees and an awakening to God's beautiful love.
Defined by the Father
Trying to live up to his father's expectations, Colin was depressed, hopeless and lost. At a conference Colin encounters the living God, he is healed physically, spiritually and [...]
Leaving Everything for Jesus
Searching for fulfillment and satisfaction in what the world offered left Lance broken and longing for something real. When he encountered the reality of the righteousness [...]
Just One
Despite the challenges of running a group home for troubled teens, Tiffany and her family discover it's all worth it if they can save just one from the system and introduce her to [...]
God Speaks a Better Word
Two of her three boys are diagnosed with Fragile X Syndrome but God speaks a better word to Jeffie through the Holy Spirit prophetic words, and the Bible.
Power of Hope
Living in abundant hope, faith and power, Caroline refuses to let her diagnosis of infertility define her faith, her purpose, or the goodness of God.
Stop Rejecting Me
He spent his entire life rejecting God until kidney failure went from dialysis to a nearly fatal organ transplant, causing Chris to stop running from the only One who could save him.
Simple Prayer of Faith
Wade shares how a simple prayer of faith and following Jesus' example of laying hands on the sick has lead to supernatural healings and salvations. The ultimate goal is to follow Jesus.
A Buddhist Hears From Jesus
Growing up Buddhist, Allison searched for peace. In a suicide attempt, Jesus spoke—and she found the life, hope, and purpose she longed for.
The Gift of Trust
Faced with infertility, Rod and his wife choose to trust God and His plans for them through the gift of adopting a child with Cerebral Palsy. God has supernaturally revealed [...]
Spiritual Roots
After years of unexplained medical issues, Renee hears that her symptoms have spiritual roots. At the end of her rope, she considers the supernatural. Renee's faith is challenged [...]
The Forgiveness of an Adulterer
A broken past leads to lies and adultery as the foundation of their marriage. Through God's incredible grace and forgiveness, hope is found and a marriage is restored.
The Forgiveness of an Adulterer
A broken past leads to lies and adultery as the foundation of their marriage. Through God's incredible grace and forgiveness, hope is found and a marriage is restored.
The Forgiveness of a Murderer
Ryan is able to forgive his brother's murderer and offer him the same redemption and hope he has found in Christ. I was a son who needed to be redeemed and rescued. That reality [...]
Inner Healing and Deliverance
Kelsey thought inner healing and deliverance was weird until she experienced it for herself and truly understood the gospel at a deeply personal level. I think, until we as [...]
Made to Worship
Learning to pray to the Lord through singing, Aiva became connected to God. It is in worship that she found His comfort and peace in the midst of tragedy.
Keeping a Promise
Diagnosed with breast cancer at a young age in Mexico and ostracized from her family for her faith, Tethe keeps her promise to the Lord.
Voice of God
The appearance of perfection was important for Craig as a Pastor's son, but when he hears the voice of God everything changes. I heard the voice of God in a way that I didn't know [...]
A Friend of Jesus
He's carried a 12 foot wooden cross all over the world, has story after story that movies are made of, and only wants to be remembered as a friend of Jesus. He has given us an [...]
Purposefully Homeless
Led by God on a purposefully homeless journey, Rachel leaves her job, home, and modern day comforts to find the one thing money can't buy.
Light in the Darkness
Suicidal and diagnosed with over eight mental illnesses, in and out of over 20 different psych wards, on 10 psych meds, Alexis is instantly healed.
In Need of the Gospel
Through missional outreach, Jesse finds that he is in need of the gospel as much as those who haven't yet received it.
Raise My Son
Her son was dead for 21 minutes and brain dead for 2 days. In a sea of doctors, Angelic cries out to God and prays over her son through the power of the Holy Spirit, "Raise my [...]
Your Life Is Not Your Own
Rosie has attempted suicide twice since losing her son and is planning a third attempt the very day that she meets Tyler and Andy who share that her life is not her own and God has [...]
When Heaven and Earth Collide
An instrument maker by trade, Caleb receives a digital download of an instrument he has never seen and a tribe name in a dream. This dream ignites a journey where heaven and earth [...]
Unraveling Addiction, Restoring a Marriage
Aaron's life was unraveling because of his addiction and his wife uncovers the truth. Restoring their marriage becomes possible through Jesus, love, and recovery ministry.
I Give You My Life
Fourteen years old Chethan plans his suicide. He cries out to God, "I give you my life" and is overwhelmed by the presence and power of the Lord.
Knit Together
Ultrasounds revealed and confirmed, in utero, that Ashley's son August had polycystic kidney disease in both kidneys. After months of prayer, God knit together a miracle for family [...]
The Father’s House
When things don't add up, God's miraculous provision provides further confirmation for missionaries to create a discipleship house for lost sons –The Father's House.
Through the Wilderness
A seasoned hiker loses his trail and is lost for seven days. Desperate for help and ready to give up, Josh hears a Voice that guides him through the wilderness, giving him peace in [...]
Going All In
Unable to go under water due to his tracheotomy, Landon gets completely healed and is going all in for the first time at his baptism.
Born with severe sleep apnea, 21 month old Landon receives a tracheotomy and doctors say he will never talk. His parents pray for complete healing and receive a miracle with one [...]
Not Ashamed
Her heart is for women caught in sex industry and life on the streets, but Nadia shares how Holy Spirit directed her to share the Father's heart for a pimp.
Running With The Gospel
After multiple confirmations of his calling, God anoints Peter's feet to run with the gospel. When a father affirms a son, there's nothing more powerful.
Give Jesus a Try
Holiday YouTube scrolling is used by the Holy Spirit to entice Machelle to give Jesus a try instead of numbing out and her identity is transformed.
God Has the Final Say…Not Cancer
Doctors sent him home to die. Sure that God had the final say and not cancer Jeff prayed without ceasing and the cancer ravaging his body was healed.
An Impossible Conception
She has battled cancer multiple times and through those challenges is told conception is impossible. But God...After 17 years of infertility, she becomes pregnant.
When All Seems Lost
On suicide watch all seems lost when JD loses nearly three quarters of a million dollars in three days. But faithful obedience pays off. I thought God was going to bless me. And [...]
Heart for the Homeless
Circumstances in her own life gives Karen a deep understanding and heart for the homeless that leads serving in South Dallas faithfully for over 23 years.
Co-Laboring In Love
A shared love for hair and Jesus finds two stylists co-laboring to bring the beauty and hope of the gospel to their downtown salon. The safest place is in His will. And, the [...]
Reclaiming the Past
Unable to trust God after the loss of his sister, EJ looks for answers and is able to reclaim the past when he has multiple encounters with Jesus.
The Risk of Faith
Looking for opportunities to celebrate God, Daniel goes out expecting God to show up in a moment and his faith is increased with every risk he takes.
An Intimate Vision
Seeing God's word as an intimate love letter draws Craig into encounters with Jesus that change his vision of himself and a deeper relationship with God.
Healing in Unbelief 2/2
Ten years of chronic, debilitating back pain leaves Camille in unbelief that it's God's will to heal her. God challenges her understanding through a "chance encounter" with an [...]
Healing in Unbelief 1/2
An obedient messenger of the Lord, Lee finds himself facing the greater challenge of unbelief than the hope and possibility of healing when he meets Camille.
Radical Love Extravagant Provision
God's radical love causes Kyna to leave drugs and alcohol behind as her daily provision becomes the extravagant love of the Lord.
Hearing God’s Voice
A string of bad choices leave Baylee broken and homeless. Desperate for help, her hope is restored by the prayer of a stranger and hearing the voice of God.
An Order to Prophecy
Knowing God is a God of order, Pierce needs confirmation and direction before sharing the prophecy he feels he's received from the Lord.
Break Through
Addicted to drugs for over 23 years, God uses what should have been a fatal car accident to break through the noise in Todd's life and draw him near.
Facing Mental Affliction
Years of mental affliction was destroying Anthony and his family. He encounters Jesus through love and inner healing and is instantly healed.
Reconciling Race
A purposeful engagement and wedding become the catalyst to reconciling race through the union of marriage and the grace of God.
Precious Pain
Paralyzed by the pain of arthritis, forced to rest and unable to care for her family Sayo hears clearly from the Lord. Her illness becomes precious.
A Step of Faith is a Step of Faith
A single step of faith begins a journey that takes Danny and his family from India to the United States. Trusting God, even when everything seemed bleak.
Provision for the Journey
They sold everything and set out on a journey, not sure where the Lord would lead them. They've learned to trust Him every step of the way.
Whoa, God is Here!
John begins each day with expectancy of what the Holy Spirit will do. Lead by the Spirit, he gets to share in some incredible supernatural experiences with God and His children.
A Really Big Yes
A few high school students say yes to God, and a culture shift happens at the school. Students are changed, revival breaks out and the Kingdom advances.
Unbelievable Expectations
From prison to praise, God redeems Mike's life in unbelievable ways causing him to have expectations for hope and favor despite his past.
Daily Desperate Dependence
When life's challenges become too great, Joe discovers the only thing that will get him through is a daily desperate dependence on the Lord. I began connecting with the Holy [...]
Freedom Behind Bars 2/2
After 34 years of serving the Lord behind bars, Gene is released. Looking back he shares some of the supernatural God moments in his life of freedom.
Freedom Behind Bars 1/2
Sentenced to life in prison for a crime he didn't commit, Gene finds Jesus and true freedom behind bars as his pleas for mercy are denied by the courts. "Unshackle him, release him [...]
Resource Room of Heaven
Financial plans crumble, car totalled, Clint feels he is being punished by God. He has an encounter with Jesus and learns about the resource room of heaven.
Courageously Weird
Stepping out on a limb for God but not wanting to be seen as weird, Molly pushes through her own fears to be courageous in the Lord. These are the stories--- these are the ones [...]
Father to the Fatherless
Growing up without a father left a void in Zach's life. He looked for life and acceptance in everything but God. Now he's partnering with God to make a difference in the lives of [...]
Dance with Me
Being single and having a deep desire to marry leads Meredith to an intimate, raw encounter with Jesus, when she hears Him say, "Dance with Me."
An Answer to Anxiety
Gripped with anxiety and desperate for hope, God's presence becomes the answer Alzavian has been searching for.
A Vision Revealed. A Waitress Consoled.
Awoken in the early morning with a vision, Ray is able to console and speak life into his waitress with God's love revealed through that vision.
Power of Prayer in the Storm of Addiction
Cherry's daughter is caught in the storm of addiction. Wanting to rescue her daughter from a life of pain and trouble, Cherry learns the power of prayer.
Inmates Pray. Cancer Healed.
Usually the one praying for the inmates he faithfully serves, Wayne is diagnosed with cancer and the inmates pray for him to be healed.
Dreams. A Glimpse of the Father’s Love.
Sally's childhood dreams are confirmed as the truth about her father's death comes to light and the Father's love is revealed.
Two Words from a Stranger…
Jeremy prays for an opportunity to share God's love. He receives a word of knowledge for a stranger. Those two specific words change both men forever.
The Height of Grace in the depths…
Abortion leaves many in the depths of despair, it is only through the heigths of the Father's love and grace that Brooke is able to forgive herself.